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Clinicopathological analysis of splenic red pulp low-grade B-cell lymphoma

Pathology International Feb 23, 2020

Suzuki T, et al. - Researchers conducted a pathological analysis of the BRAF mutation (V600E) and characterized pathological features of splenic B-cell lymphoma/leukemia, unclassifiable (SPLL-U). They examined the pathological findings of 12 SPLL-U cases. They found BRAF mutation (V600E)in three cases, which were all SPLL-U-NS. Compared with cases that lacked the BRAF mutation, cases with the BRAF mutation (V600E) have increased levels of CD103 expression and decreased cyclin D3 and cyclin D1 expression. These data imply that the BRAF mutation might play a significant role in SPLL-U. Hence, the significance of the BRAF mutation should be assessed via genomic or transcriptional analyses of a large cohort of SPLL-U individuals.
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