Clinical value of screening peritoneal dialysis patients for bacterial colonization or contamination
Peritoneal Dialysis International Mar 17, 2019
Parthasarathy R, et al. - Since fear of developing mupirocin-resistant organisms limits the adoption of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis guideline of using mupirocin ointment, researchers carried out a surveillance program of a large peritoneal dialysis (PD) unit including 240 patients. From anterior nares, PD catheter exit site, groin, and axilla, 1,175 surveillance swabs were performed, with a mean interval of 3.3 months between swabs. Patients colonized with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) experienced a reduction of peritonitis following application of mupirocin ointment. No mupirocin resistance was noted in relation to mupirocin use in this patient cohort. Of interest was increased peritonitis rate of patients who grew Pseudomonas or enteric organisms. It is justified to pay greater attention to hygiene and catheter care in these patients.
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