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Clinical validation of pinopode as a marker of endometrial receptivity: A randomized controlled trial

Fertility and Sterility Aug 21, 2017

Qiong Z, et al. – The purpose of this study is to ascertain the clinical value of pinopodes in the human. The outcome suggests pinopode scoring is a reliable marker of endometrial receptivity, and iET based on pinopode scoring is a promising solution for recurrent implantation failure.


  • For this research, they designed a randomized controlled trial.
  • This study was conducted in academic fertility center.
  • From December 2014 to December 2016, in a phase I trial, 363 patients were enlisted in their first IVF cycles.
  • Total 136 patients with at least two previous embryo implantation failures were selected in a phase II trial.
  • In the phase I trial, in the mid–luteal phase, endometrial tissues were obtained for scanning electron microscopy, and their IVF treatment outcomes were followed up.
  • In the phase II trial, participants were allocated into two groups by random number table, and the experimental group had twice the number of the control group.
  • Individual ETs (iETs) were performed in the experimental group, while frozen–thawed embryos were routinely transferred in the control group.


  • In the phase I trial, through receiver operation characteristic curve investigation, the optimal pinopode scoring for successful clinical pregnancy was determined to be 85.
  • The CPR (74.29% vs. 19.77%) and OPR (62.86% vs 11.86%) were majorly higher in the patients whose pinopode scoring was >85.
  • In the phase II trial, the CPR was dramatically higher in the iET group (33.82% vs. 8.11%).

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