Clinical results and complications following surgical management of symptomatic os acromiale: A systematic review
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Jan 29, 2019
Purnell JA, et al. - Between 1993 and 2018, investigators assessed the data to compare the outcomes and complication rates of 3 surgical procedures ie, excision, acromioplasty, and open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), used for the management of symptomatic os acromiale. They recorded the highest patient satisfaction in the excision and ORIF groups (92% and 82% of subjects reporting good to excellent postoperative results, respectively). They observed improvements in active range of motion and patient-reported outcome scores, among the 3 groups. Overall, excision of the os with meticulous repair of the deltoid appeared with the best clinical outcomes and least complications.
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