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Clinical presentation, treatment, and short-term outcomes of lung injury associated with e-cigarettes or vaping: A prospective observational cohort study

The Lancet Dec 14, 2019

Blagev DP, et al. - In this multicentre, prospective, observational, cohort study of all individuals with lung injury related to e-cigarettes or vaping observed in Intermountain Healthcare, an integrated health system based in Utah, USA, between June 27 and Oct 4, 2019, experts determined the cause, diagnosis, treatment, and course of lung injury related to e-cigarettes or vaping. A total of 60 people presented with lung injury correlated with e-cigarettes or vaping at 13 hospitals or outpatient clinics in the integrated health system. Lung injury correlated with e-cigarettes or vaping was concluded as an emerging illness related to severe lung injury and constitutional and gastrointestinal symptoms. In people who were treated with antibiotics and steroids, increased awareness has resulted in the recognition of a wide spectrum of severity of illness. Irrespective of the improvement, residual abnormalities was noticed in many people at short-term follow-up. Thus, lung injury related to e-cigarettes or vaping continues to be a clinical diagnosis with symptoms that overlap infectious and other lung diseases. Moreover, maintaining a high index of suspicion for this disease is significant as work proceeds in understanding the cause or causes, optimal therapy, and long-term outcomes of these people.
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