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Clinical presentation and management of atypical polypoid adenomyomas: Systematic review of the literature

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 09, 2019

Mikos T, et al. - Clinical behavior of atypical polypoid adenomyomas (APAs) was investigated with a focus on the rates of (i) recurrences, (ii) their association with endometrial hyperplasia and (iii) with endometrial cancer. Researchers performed a further quantitative assessment of 15 studies that reported 208 patients who did not have hysterectomy as initial treatment. As per outcomes, hysterectomy is supported to be the appropriate treatment, however, in selected patients, uterus-sparing surgery. In cases where uterus was preserved, they noted cure rate of APAs of 51.0% (106/208), the residual rate of APA of 20.2% (42/208), the recurrence rate of APA of 35.1% (73/208), the concurrent endometrial hyperplasia rate of 7.2% (15/208), the concurrent endometrial cancer rate of 4.8% (10/208), the subsequent endometrial hyperplasia rate of 6.7% (14/208), and the subsequent endometrial cancer rate of 10.1% (21/208). Uterine sparing treatment was opted by 56.4% of the patients with APA who wished to conceive, they had a viable pregnancy. They noted significantly decreased residual rate and significantly increased cure rates in relation to the use of hysteroscopic techniques at the initial management of APAs.
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