Clinical pregnancy outcomes of fresh vs frozen blastocyst transfers by body mass index
Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019
Monica S, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study of all blastocyst ET (embryo transfer) cycles, clinical pregnancy rates in fresh vs frozen ET cycles were examined by body mass index (BMI). Researchers studied 527 blastocyst transfer cycles; of these, 247 (46.9%) were fresh transfers, and 280 (53.1%) were frozen. When stratified by BMI, 219 (41.6%) transfers were performed in the normal weight, 139 (26.4%) in the overweight, and 169 (32.1%) in the obese groups. Outcomes revealed higher likelihood to achieve clinical pregnancy in overweight and obese patients following a frozen blastocyst transfer compared to fresh ET. This support preferring frozen ET in this specific population.
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