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Clinical, pathological characteristics and outcomes of IgA nephropathy patients with different ages

Nephrology Oct 08, 2019

Wen Q, Rong R, Zhou Q, et al. - Researchers undertook this single-center retrospective cohort study to investigate the clinical and pathological variations in IgA nephropathy (IgAN) with different ages. Whether age confers risk for IgAN progression was also determined. Three groups of patients with biopsy-diagnosed primary IgAN were defined: young-aged (14-29 years), middle-aged (30-49 years), and older-age (≥ 50 years). Significantly higher levels of serum IgA, cholesterol, triglycerides, and creatinine, as well as a decreased eGFR, was detected in patients with older-age. A higher percentage of crescent formation in glomeruli was observed in young adults, whereas more severe chronic pathological alterations including global glomerulosclerosis and vascular lesions were noted in the older-aged patients. Slightly shorter cumulative renal survival was experienced by the older-age group vs young adult or middle-aged group, but not achieving significant. Overall, clinical pathological alterations observed in IgAN patients aged 50 years or older were different than those seen in younger patients. However, the renal progression of IgAN was not independently predicted by aging. To corroborate this trend, there is a need for a prolonged follow-up.
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