Clinical outcomes of foot infections in patients without diabetes
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Feb 17, 2020
Ryan EC, Crisologo PA, La Fontaine J, et al. - The present study was conducted to evaluate clinical outcomes of moderate and severe foot infections in patients without diabetes. Researchers retrospectively reviewed medical records of 88 nondiabetic individuals with foot infections treated at a safety net hospital. Individuals were grouped by the presence of soft-tissue infection (STI) or osteomyelitis (OM). This study included 88 nondiabetic individuals who admitted to the institution for moderate or severe foot infections, 45 OM and 43 STI. No significant differences were found in reinfection, foot-related readmission to the hospital, or the total duration of antibiotics between OM and STI individuals. In comparison with individuals with STIs, OM individuals needed more surgeries and amputations; nevertheless, they had similar rates of reinfection and readmission within a year after the index hospitalization.
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