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Clinical outcomes of detrusor underactivity in female with advanced pelvic organ prolapse following vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery

Neurourology and Urodynamics May 01, 2018

Lo TS, et al. - Authors ascertained the effect of vaginal pelvic reconstruct surgery (PRS) on detrusor underactivity (DU) patients having advanced pelvic organ prolapse (POP). They conducted a retrospective study of patients who underwent PRS for advanced POP (POP-Q ≥3) with DU. Bladders were enabled to regain detrusor muscle function by reversal of short-term or long-term obstruction through vaginal pelvic reconstructive surgery. The objective cure for DU was at 47%. However, in case mechanical obstruction was the cause, detrusor function recovered in 57% of patients.
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