Clinical outcomes in distal radial fractures with ipsilateral arteriovenous fistulas
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research May 30, 2019
Chang HM, et al. - Researchers examined patients with an ipsilateral distal radial fracture (DRF) treated with cast fixation, external skeletal fixation [ESF], or volar locking plate fixation [VLPF], to determine the impacts on arteriovenous fistula (AVF) function and clinical outcomes. This study included 13 patients who were allocated to the surgery group or the cast group and were observed for ≥12 months. Experts recorded and analyzed one-year clinical outcomes and serial AVF function and radiographic outcomes. Shunt function in DRFs ipsilateral to AVFs remained unaffected by treatments as observed one year following the index procedure. In patients with ipsilateral DRFs and AVFs, better functional and radiographic outcomes were achieved with ESF and VLPF vs cast fixation.
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