Clinical outcomes and tendon integrity in patients with chronic retracted subscapularis tear after arthroscopic single-row oblique mattress suture repair technique
Arthroscopy Jun 07, 2019
Jo YG, et al. - Researchers examined patients with chronic retracted subscapularis tears repaired using an arthroscopic single-row oblique mattress suture repair technique for clinical outcomes and tendon integrity. They measured tendon retraction level on preoperative axial magnetic resonance images and confirmed this during arthroscopic surgery in patients with full-thickness subscapularis tears retracted to the glenoid level and with at least 2 years of follow-up. Outcomes revealed achievement of satisfactory clinical outcomes and reliable tendon healing following arthroscopic repair using a single-row oblique mattress suture technique, despite significant retraction in patients who had chronic subscapularis tears with retraction to the glenoid level.
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