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Clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction following revision of failed unicompartmental knee arthroplasty to total knee arthroplasty are as good as a primary total knee arthroplasty

The Knee May 24, 2019

Lim JBT, et al. - Via retrospectively reviewing their institutional arthroplasty registry, researchers compared patients who underwent revision of failed unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) to total knee arthroplasty (TKA) vs those who underwent primary TKA regarding the pre-operative clinical scores (patient-reported outcome measures, PROMs). They noted use of more stems, augments or constrained implants in the revision UKA to TKA group, compared to primary TKA. Revision of failed UKA to TKA and primary TKA were noted to be similar regarding outcomes. For revision UKA to TKA, significant improvements in PROMs was reported, which was comparable to that of primary TKA.
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