Clinical outcomes and economic impact of starting hemodialysis with a catheter after predialysis arteriovenous fistula creation
American Journal of Nephrology Aug 15, 2019
Al-Balas A, et al. - Given that arteriovenous fistula creation before reaching end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is frequent among patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, however, some start hemodialysis with a central vein catheter, if their fistula is not yet usable, keeping these observations in mind, researchers focused on the clinical outcomes of the delay in fistula use in such patients. With regard to the frequency of post-dialysis vascular access procedures and complications as well as their financial influence, comparisons were performed among patients with pre-ESRD fistula surgery who started dialysis with a catheter vs a fistula. Substantially more frequent percutaneous, surgical, and total vascular access procedures, as well as hospitalizations attributable to catheter-related bacteremia were reported in those initiating dialysis with a catheter vs a fistula. In those initiating dialysis with a catheter, a substantially higher annual cost of access management was reported.
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