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Clinical outcomes and complications of cementless reverse total shoulder arthroplasty during the early learning curve period

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Feb 22, 2019

Choi S, et al. - Thirty-eight shoulders were examined between March 2010 and February 2014 to analyze the early functional consequences and complexities of cementless reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) during the learning curve period. They recorded improvements in visual analog scale (VAS) score (4.0 to 2.8) and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) score (6.0 to 27.9). They also found improvement in flexion, abduction, and internal rotation with no significant change in external rotation. They found postoperative complications like acromion fracture, glenoid fracture, periprosthetic humeral fracture, axillary nerve injury, infection, and arterial injury. Overall, they exhibited satisfactory clinical outcomes of RTSA with complication rates of 15.7%.
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