Clinical outcome and factors determining new bone formation in lateral sinus membrane elevation with simultaneous implant placement without grafting material: A cross-sectional, 3-17 year follow-up study
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Apr 02, 2019
Lundgren S, et al. - In this study, authors examined 111 subjects with previous lateral sinus membrane elevation with simultaneous implant placement without grafting material (graft-less LSFE) to study the long-term consequences of implants placed with graft-less LSFE. They overall placed 218 implants in 127 sinuses. They noted the failure of 9 implants leading to an overall implant survival of 95.9%. An average bone gain of 4.0 ±2.0 mm at the follow-up was reported. Using graft-less LSFE they noticed an achievement of stability in the implant-supported rehabilitation over time with no/little influence on sinus health. They concluded the new bone formation and the amount of bone gain proportional to the length of the implant protruding into the sinus cavity.
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