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Clinical outcome and concomitant injuries in operatively treated fractures of the lateral process of the talus

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders May 22, 2019

Hörterer H, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers analyzed patient rated outcome of surgically treated fractures to the lateral process of the talus (LPTF). They also investigated factors affecting the outcome. This study included patients who underwent surgical management of a LPTF (n = 23) and were followed-up at least for one year. The visual analog scale foot and ankle was considered as the primary outcome. According to the findings, only moderate results were reported after a follow-up of over 3.5 years in cases with surgically treated LPTF. Posttraumatic symptomatic subtalar osteoarthritis was identified as the primary independent parameter for a poor outcome post-LPTF and was developed by 50% of the overall patient population.
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