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Clinical features and risk factors for gout attacks during anti-tuberculosis treatment: A case-control study in South Korea

International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases Sep 27, 2019

Ha YJ, et al. - A total of 49 patients who suffered from gout attacks while taking anti-TB medications were included to examine the clinical characteristics and risk factors of gout attacks during anti-TB treatment in South Korea. Within 2 months of treatment initiation, an attack was experienced by nearly half of the patients. Lower extremity joints were particularly involved in the attacks. At 2 and 6 months following the beginning of anti-TB medication, the serum uric acid (SUA) levels were significantly raised, in comparison with those at baseline. In the case-control study, higher BMI and pretreatment SUA levels, dyslipidemia, and decreased renal function were the factors correlated with a gout attack. In the multivariate model, independent risk factors of gout attack while taking anti-TB medication were higher BMI, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and pretreatment hyperuricemia. Thus, while taking TB treatment, patients with high BMI, CKD, and pretreatment hyperuricemia are at a greater risk of a gout attack.
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