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Clinical effectiveness of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement and a mild one-step self-etch adhesive applied actively and passively in noncarious cervical lesions: An 18-month clinical trial

Operative Dentistry May 28, 2018

Jassal M, et al. - Authors assessed the clinical efficacy of 2 methods of application of a mild one-step self-etch adhesive and composite resin vs a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) control restoration in noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs). Findings suggested that as an alternative to RMGIC, mild one-step self-etch adhesive followed by a resin composite restoration could provide similar retention and improved esthetics in a restoration of NCCLs. The clinical performance of mild one-step self-etch adhesives could be benefitted with agitation, but the confirmation that the observed benefit was statistically significant was not provided in this study.
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