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Clinical course of thyroid function and thyroid associated-ophthalmopathy in patients with euthyroid Graves’ disease

Clinical Ophthalmology Apr 25, 2018

Suzuki N, et al. - Authors investigated the changes in the thyroid function, thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) and eye symptoms, and then determined if TRAb was associated with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) in euthyroid Graves’ disease (EGD) patients. In about 70% of EGD patients, TBII and TSAb were positive at their initial visit. Findings suggested that EGD patients who had been euthyroid for more than 6.7 years, their thyroid functions could continue to remain euthyroid in the future. No correlations were found between TRAb at initial presentation and the eye symptoms.
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