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Clinical characteristics of idiopathic intracranial hypertension in patients over 50 years of age: A multicenter clinical cohort study

American Journal of Ophthalmology Dec 02, 2020

Downie PA, Chen JJ, Bhatti MT, et al. - Researchers sought to describe the clinical characteristics of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) in patients > age 50 years (yrs) relative to the typical IIH population and existing data on this older cohort. A medical record analysis focused on the Modified Dandy Criteria of 65 patients > age 50 yrs at first diagnosis of IIH based from four academic centers. Each center provided randomly chosen controls from IIH patients < age 50 yrs for each study patient at their location. According to this retrospective, clinical cohort study, patients diagnosed with IIH > age 50 yrs are less often female and have lower opening pressures of CSF, fewer headaches, a higher chance of incidentally identified papilledema, and similar BMI to younger patients with IIH. There is no correlation between older IIH onset and worse visual outcome.

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