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Clinical characteristics and outcomes in patients undergoing primary or secondary enucleation or evisceration after ocular trauma

Clinical Ophthalmology Nov 04, 2020

Gauthier AC, Oduyale OK, Fliotsos MJ, et al. - In this retrospective chart review, researchers sought to examine the frequency of primary vs secondary eye removal, frequency of enucleation vs evisceration, and features and outcomes of patients undergoing these procedures after presenting with severe ocular trauma. Between 2010 and 2018, patients presenting to the emergency department with severe eye trauma necessitating enucleation or evisceration were included. There were 92 eyes from 90 patients involved in the research. In 27% of all eye removals, primary enucleation or evisceration was performed and 69.6% of all eye removals were performed with enucleation. Future research is required to assess if primary eye removal can be appropriate and when to consider enucleation vs evisceration.

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