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Clinical characteristics and etiological analysis of 133 patients for pulmonary embolism combined with hemoptysis

The Clinical Respiratory Journal Sep 30, 2020

Zou YW, Duan J, Wang XH, et al. - This retrospective study was undertaken to determine the clinical features as well as the causes of hemoptysis in patients suffering from pulmonary embolism (PE). Researchers divided the acute PE cases who combined with disease conditions which can result in hemoptysis to non‐simple group (n =61) and those without these diseases to simple group (n =66). In PE patients, an incidence of 23.75% was reported for hemoptysis. Findings showed that acute PE or PE combined with lung cancer as etiologies of hemoptysis resulted in mild hemoptysis. Such hemoptysis due to these reasons was characterized by blood in sputum. PE combined with tuberculosis, bronchiectasis and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension were found to be related to moderate to massive hemoptysis, with a greater risk of hemoptysis ≥ 100 ml.

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