Clinical and virological analysis of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis caused by adenovirus type 54 in a regional ophthalmic clinic in Kyushu, Japan
Clinical Ophthalmology Mar 27, 2018
Uemura T, et al. - Researchers sought to analyze the clinical characteristics of an outbreak of human adenovirus type 54 (HAdV-54) conjunctivitis treated in a regional ophthalmic clinic in Fukuoka, Japan. Milder clinical features were noted in the early phase of HAdV-54 keratoconjunctivitis but multiple subepithelial corneal infiltrates (MSI) rate observed in the late phase was higher than those in previous epidemics of several HAdV types. The age groups were significantly different regarding the clinical severity which could be a virological characteristic of HAdV-54.
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