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Clinical and structural outcome 20 years after repair of massive rotator cuff tears

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Oct 16, 2019

Collin P, Betz M, Herve A, et al. - All 127 individuals who were operated for massive rotator cuff tears in 1994 at six various centers were retrospectively revived in order to hypothesize that at 20 years, deterioration of the shoulder would have happened and resulted in an ample number of reoperations. Cuff tear arthropathy (Hamada stage 4) was seen in nine individuals. In comparison for those with FI stages 0-II, the Constant-Murley score and Subjective Shoulder Value for the shoulders with fatty infiltration stages III or IV were markedly inferior. Thus, the functional scores persist to be competent and the rate of revision is low even 20 years following the surgical reconstruction of massive rotator cuff tears.
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