Clinical and patient-reported outcomes of implants placed in autogenous bone grafts and implants placed in native bone: A case-control study with a follow up of 5 to 16 years
Clinical Oral Implants Research Feb 04, 2019
Thoma DS, et al. - Researchers analyzed 38 candidates to study the radiographic marginal bone levels of implants placed in sites previously augmented with autogenous bone blocks (AB) and implants placed in the native bone (NB), comparatively for mean follow-up time of 10.2 years and 8.3 years. They noticed major complications like wound dehiscences, acute pulpitis, intra- and extraoral sensitivity disturbances after primary augmentation, at the donor sites. Although, they found higher satisfaction for both the procedures. They noted significantly higher marginal bone levels for the implant placed in NB.
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