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Clinical and microbiological effects of scaling and root planing, metronidazole and amoxicillin in the treatment of diabetic and non-diabetic subjects with periodontitis: A cohort study

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Aug 09, 2018

Duarte PM, et al. - Whether or not non-diabetic subjects with periodontitis respond better than subjects with type 2 diabetes to the treatment protocol of scaling and root planing (SRP), metronidazole (MTZ) and amoxicillin (AMX) was evaluated in this analysis. In this investigation, diabetic and non-diabetic subjects with severe periodontitis received SRP+MTZ [400mg/thrice a day (TID)]+AMX (500mg/TID) for 14 days. Study participants were 29 type 2 diabetics and 29 non-diabetics subjects. Researchers reported that non-diabetic subjects with severe periodontitis did not respond better than type 2 diabetic subjects to the treatment protocol of SRP+MTZ+AMX, both in terms of achieving the clinical endpoint for treatment and of PD improvement. As compared to non-diabetics, diabetic subjects showed a slightly worse microbiological response and exhibited a healing process more associated with gingival recession.
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