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Clinical and microbiological characteristics of Moraxella keratitis

British Journal of Ophthalmology Feb 06, 2019

McSwiney TJ, et al. - Between November 2012 and December 2017 at the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, authors investigated 41 cases to assess the risk agents, clinical characteristics, features of bacterial subspecies of Moraxella and its treatment results, using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. They observed prior ocular surgery and diabetes as the most common local and systemic risk factors. They noticed the following Moraxella subspecies in MALDI-TOF analysis: nonliquifaciens (39%), lacunata (36%), osloensis (10%) and catarrhalis (5%). They found an association of M. nonliquifaciens and M. lacunata with larger infiltrates, requiring more surgical intervention and longer treatment duration.
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