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Clinical and laboratory predictors of Lassa fever outcome in a dedicated treatment facility in Nigeria: A retrospective, observational cohort study

The Lancet Infectious Diseases Jun 04, 2018

Okokhere P, et al. - Researchers aimed at establishing the demographic, clinical, and laboratory factors associated with mortality in Nigerian patients with Lassa fever. They performed a retrospective, observational cohort study of 284 (98%) consecutive patients with known outcomes (died or survived) treated at Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital. Observation revealed an overall case-fatality rate of 24% (68 of 284 patients), with a 1·4 times increase in mortality risk for each 10 years of age. Important complications of acute Lassa fever included acute kidney injury [81 patients] and CNS manifestations [104 patients]. Acute kidney injury was noted to have a strong correlation with poor outcome. Independent predictors of death included elevated serum creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, and potassium.
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