Clinical and histologic evaluation of the hysterotomy site and fetal membranes after open fetal surgery for fetal spina bifida repair
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Jul 30, 2018
Ochsenbein-Kölble N, et al. - Via clinically evaluating hysterotomy sites after open fetal surgery in 36 women during Caesarean section, researchers investigated if stapled and sutured hysterotomy scars demonstrate partial or complete healing. Hysterotomy sites were classified into the categories intact, thin, and partially or completely dehiscent, and in 25 cases, the sites were completely excised and histologically analyzed. The outcomes suggest scarring with substantial thinning or dehiscence of the myometrium. No spontaneous healing of the fetal membranes was noted. They recommend complete excision of the hysterotomy site in order to prevent uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancies.
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