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Civilian ballistic tibia shaft fractures compared with blunt tibia shaft fractures: open or closed

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Feb 25, 2021

Prather JC, Montgomery T, Cone B, et al. - A retrospective cohort study was performed to distinguished a group of ballistic tibia fractures, report the outcomes of these fractures, and compare them with both closed and open tibia fractures sustained by blunt mechanisms. Researchers assumed that ballistic tibia fractures and blunt open fractures would have similar outcomes. The ballistic fracture group required more operations, had a higher occurrence of soft tissue reconstruction, and higher incidence of compartment syndrome in comparison with the blunt closed group. The outcomes revealed that the ballistic tibia fractures need more surgeries and have higher rates of soft tissue reconstruction than blunt closed fractures and seem to have outcomes similar to lower severity open fractures. There was a significantly higher rate of compartment syndrome in ballistic tibia fractures than both open and closed blunt fractures. The data considered that surgeons should maintain a high level of suspicion for the development of compartment syndrome and counsel patients that ballistic tibia fractures seem to behave like an intermediate category between closed and open fractures sustained through blunt mechanisms, when treating ballistic tibia fractures.

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