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Circulating serum fatty acid binding protein 4 levels predict the development of the diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetic patients

American Journal of Ophthalmology Jan 07, 2018

Zhang XZ, et al. - The authors resolved to assess a possible contribution of fatty acid binding protein-4 (FABP 4) to the increased risk of 5-year incidence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) by analyzing the serum FABP 4 levels in type 2 diabetic patients without DR at admission. They found that FABP4 had potential as a novel biomarker for DR prediction in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Data recommended placing an emphasis on strict glycemic control and more frequent retinal examination for T2DM patients with the highest quartile range of FABP 4.
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