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Circulating Hodgkin cells: A clinicopathologic analysis of seven patients and a review of the literature

International Journal of Laboratory Hematology Sep 28, 2020

Aladily TN, et al. - Since few cases of Hodgkin cell leukemia were documented but no modern case series is available in the literature, therefore, the researcher reviewed peripheral blood smears from patients who received a diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). This study involved 7 patients, all males, with a median age of 35 years. The diagnosis was classic HL in six (86%) cases and nodular lymphocyte predominant in one (14%) patient. Compared with binucleated Reed‐Sternberg cells, mononuclear Hodgkin cells were more commonly detected. Overall, the expert concluded Hodgkin cell leukemia as a very rare entity which is a terminal event in the course of the disease of any histologic subtype. Findings showed that Hodgkin cell leukemia was strongly related to poor prognostic factors of HL such as advanced clinical stage, male gender, and the presence of anemia and lymphopenia. Hodgkin cells can be missed in routine blood film analysis because circulating Hodgkin cells are few in number.

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