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Circulating antimüllerian hormone and steroid hormone levels remain high in pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome at term

Fertility and Sterility Jan 11, 2019

Piltonen TT, et al. - Researchers performed this case–control study to investigate plasma antimüllerian hormone (AMH) concentration and its relation to steroid hormone levels in pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and controls at term. Participants comprised a total of 74 pregnant women at term (25 women with PCOS and 49 controls). Women with PCOS showed higher levels of antimüllerian hormone, T, and androstenedione levels at term compared with controls, whereas the two arms had similar estrogen and P levels. This indicates a hormonal imbalance during PCOS pregnancy. Pregnancies with a female fetus particularly displayed the differences, raising the question of whether female pregnancies are more susceptible to AMH and steroid hormone actions.
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