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Circulating angiopoietin-like protein 2 levels and arterial stiffness in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis: a cross-sectional study

Atherosclerosis Nov 05, 2020

Fukami H, Morinaga J, Okadome Y, et al. - This study was undertaken to evaluate if levels of inflammaging markers in the circulation were correlated with vascular aging phenotypes in hemodialysis patients, as estimated by the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). Researchers performed a multicenter cross-sectional study including a total of 412 patients receiving hemodialysis and assess the association between circulating hs-CRP or ANGPTL2 levels, as markers of inflammaging, and CAVI. In this study, 376 out of 412 patients were analyzed statistically. This study’s findings demonstrate that circulating levels of ANGPTL2 rather than hs-CRP are positively correlated with CAVI in the uremic population and that ANGPTL2 could be a unique marker of progression of vascular aging in patients receiving hemodialysis.

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