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Chronic preoperative opioids are associated with revision after rotator cuff repair

Arthroscopy Dec 05, 2020

Bhattacharjee S, Jordan B, Sohn A, et al. - This study was attempted to evaluate the association between chronic preoperative opioids and complications following rotator cuff repair. Specifically, they evaluated revision, a definitive postoperative endpoint for surgical outcome. Researchers distinguished 28,939 RCR patients, of whom 10,695 had opioid prescriptions within both 0-3 months and 4-6 months prior to index RCR, while 18,244 had no opioid prescriptions within the 6-month preoperative period. This research applied PearlDiver, a United States national insurance claims database. Increased rates of revision within both 6 months and 1 year were reported in patients with prolonged preoperative opioid prescriptions. The results of this study exhibited that the opioid cohort had higher rates of preoperative NSAID use and tobacco use, which were also observed to be independent risk factors for revision at both timepoints.

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