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Chronic neuropathic pain following hand burns: etiology, treatment, and long- term outcomes

The Journal of Hand Surgery Aug 28, 2020

Klifto KM, Yesantharao PS, Dellon AL, et al. - The present study was conducted to define patients with chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) after hand/upper extremity burns to help guide risk stratification and treatment strategies. Researchers assumed that multiple risk factors contribute to the development of CNP and refractory responses to treatment. Between January 1, 2014, and January 1, 2019, individuals older than 15 years admitted to the burn center after hand/upper extremity burns were enrolled. A total of 914 patients were included in the study. After hand/upper extremity burns, substance abuse and tobacco use may contribute to the development of CNP. It was reported that those who developed refractory CNP were more likely to use the pain descriptor, burning sensations. The data revealed that pharmacological pain management with gabapentin or pregabalin and ascorbic acid may serve the most relief of CNP symptoms.

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