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Chondrocalcinosis of the knee and the risk of osteoarthritis progression: data from the knee and hip osteoarthritis long‐term assessment cohort

Arthritis & Rheumatology Apr 08, 2020

Latourte A, Rat AC, Sime WN, et al. - The effect of knee chondrocalcinosis (CC) on the 5‐year risk of joint replacement and disease progression was analyzed in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). This study included symptomatic knee OA individuals without previous total joint (knee or hip) replacement (TJR) from the Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis Long‐term Assessment cohort. There were a total of 656 patients who were included this study. Researchers applied Cox proportional hazards regression and generalized estimating equation models to compare the time from inclusion or OA diagnosis to total knee replacement or TJR between patients with and those without knee CC at inclusion. This study's findings suggest that the presence of knee CC did not influence the risk of arthroplasty or disease progression at 5 years in individuals with symptomatic knee OA.

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