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Chipping corrective osteotomy for reconstruction of malunion with angular deformity of the lower extremity: Technical tips and preliminary clinical results

Injury Feb 10, 2021

Miyamoto W, Watanabe Y, Kawano H, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to provide preliminary evidence of the efficacy of chipping corrective osteotomy (CCO), which does not require autologous bone grafting, for treating malunion with lower extremity angular deformity. Clinical and radiological findings of 6 male patients (median age 48.5 years) treated with CCO for femoral and tibial malunion (4 femurs, 4 tibias) with coronal plane angular deformity were retrospectively reviewed. Data reported that the median follow-up duration was 34 months. Such preliminary results indicate that for the treatment of malunion with lower extremity angular deformity, CCO is potentially useful.

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