Characterizing ovarian function by karyotype in a cohort of women with Turner’s syndrome
Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019
Fitz VW, et al. - Via this retrospective cohort study of all patients seen in the UNC Turner’s Syndrome Clinic, the trend of ovarian function in women with Turner Syndrome (TS) was defined in a longitudinal manner, by correlating age, ovarian function, and karyotype. This heterogeneous population was examined to more accurately characterize ovarian loss patterns, providing additional data to guide physicians and patients. Analyzing a total of 88 charts, it was identified that diagnosis of TS was made at the median age of 0.33 years (IQR 0, 7.5). Loss of ovarian function was observed at the mean age of 9.5 yrs (SD 4.8). The median time interval between diagnosis of TS and loss of ovarian function was 2 years (IQR 1, 9) and ovarian failure was noted in 11/55 at time of TS diagnosis. The patient’s karyotype and mosaicism were identified to be correlated with different ages of ovarian failure. This may help in providing more specific counseling to patients. They identified a time window between diagnosis and onset of ovarian failure when fertility preservation could be pursued however there was a low referral rate.
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