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Characterization of opioid consumption and disposal patterns after total knee arthroplasty

The Bone & Joint Journal Jul 05, 2019

Premkumar A, et al. - Through 112 patients who underwent primary unilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with one of eight arthroplasty surgeons at a single specialty hospital, the researchers intended to assess the general postoperative opioid intake and rate of proper disposal of excess opioid prescriptions. During the six weeks post-surgery, the mean oral morphine equivalent intake was 639.6 mg corresponding to 85.3 tablets of 5 mg oxycodone per patient. Within six weeks of surgery, 66 cases had discontinued taking opioids and had the mean equivalent of 18 oxycodone 5 mg tablets left. However, Only 17 patients appropriately threw leftover medications. Hence, this data gave a benchmark for general opioid consumption post-uncomplicated primary unilateral TKA. Furthermore, many subjects got a prescription for more opioids than they needed, and leftover medication was rarely disposed off properly, which boosted the risk for illegal diversion.
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