Characterization of macrophage polarization in periodontal disease
Journal of Clinical Periodontology Jun 29, 2019
Garaicoa-Pazmino C, et al. - In this investigation, researchers examined the M1/M2 status of macrophage polarization from healthy, gingivitis, and periodontitis patient samples. For this analysis, they obtained gingival biopsies from 42 people (14 gingivitis, 18 periodontitis, and 10 healthy samples) receiving periodontal therapy. Compared to healthy samples, gingivitis and periodontitis samples displayed higher levels of macrophages. Surprisingly, samples of periodontitis showed lower levels of macrophages dispersed in stromal tissues compared to samples of gingivitis but remained higher than healthy tissues. Overall, the authors concluded that gingivitis and periodontitis differ from one another by macrophage infiltrate levels, but not by macrophage polarization changes.
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