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Characteristics of adolescents who visit the emergency department following suicide attempts: Comparison study between adolescents and adults

BMC Psychiatry Jul 31, 2019

Lee J, Bang, YS, Min S, et al. - Researchers compared 149 children (under the age of 18) with 1,427 people aged 19-65 years who visited the emergency department with a suicide attempt from 2009 to 2015, regarding the demographic and clinical features. In this study, for the first time, a direct comparison was made of the socio-demographic, clinical, and suicide-related factors of adolescents vs adults seen in the emergency department. Suicide attempters among adolescents vs adults had more previous suicide attempts. Use of more non-lethal methods, such as poisoning with over the counter drugs, and about 5 times greater odds ratio of suicide attempts with analgesics were reported in adolescents. Interpersonal problems more frequently motivated suicide attempt among adolescents rather than financial or illness-related problems. Compared with adults, adolescents had less serious intentions regarding their suicide attempts, and they were less lethal.

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