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Characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of patients with severe pneumonia complicating pregnancy: A retrospective study of 12 cases and a literature review

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Nov 08, 2018

Tang P, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers assessed and summarized characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of severe pneumonia in gravid patients. In addition, they identified probable risk factors and predictive factors for pneumonia during pregnancy and the appropriate timing of delivery in severe pneumonia patients. Upon analysis of 12 patients with a diagnosis of severe pneumonia complicating pregnancy (January 2010 through June 2017), they observed an association of anemia, advanced gestational age, and preeclampsia with pneumonia severity. The investigators recommended taking chest radiographs as soon as pneumonia is highly suspected to facilitate an early diagnosis. Given the high incidences of adverse fetal outcomes, they also recommended termination of pregnancy for patients in their third trimester when respiratory function deteriorates progressively.

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