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Characteristics and outcomes of patients with cardiogenic shock utilizing hemodialysis for acute kidney injury

The American Journal of Cardiology Mar 14, 2019

Adegbala O, et al. - Using data from the National Inpatient Sample, researchers studied the features and outcomes of patients who sought hospitalization for Cardiogenic Shock (CS) and required renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis) for acute kidney injury (AKI-HD). From 2010 to September 2015, national rates of in-hospital mortality, use of temporary mechanical support (T-MCS), vascular injury requiring surgery (VI), length of stay (LOS) and hospitalization cost were estimated, and in-hospital outcomes were compared between CS with AKI-HD and CS without AKI-HD (propensity score-matched group). Hospitalizations with CS and AKI-HD and with CS not AKI-HD were 6,076 and 76,878, respectively. In the years 2010-2015, the occurrence of AKI-HD was reported in nearly 6% of patients with CS. Findings revealed associations between CS with AKI-HD and significantly higher in-hospital mortality, use of T-MCS, LOS, and cost.

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