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Characteristic optical coherence tomography findings in patients with primary vitreoretinal lymphoma: A novel aid to early diagnosis

British Journal of Ophthalmology Jan 12, 2018

Barry RJ, et al. - Herein, authors probed into the spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) images of patients with biopsy-positive primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL) and put forth a number of typical features, beneficial for the detection of PVRL at an early stage. A range of SD-OCT features were identified that were consistent with a diagnosis of PVRL. The observation of hyper-reflective subretinal infiltrates as elucidated was proposed to be highly suggestive of PVRL. The utility of SD-OCT was illustrated as a non-invasive and rapid aid to diagnosis. It could lead to an improvement in visual outcomes and survival of patients with intraocular malignancies such as PVRL.
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