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Changing relative risk of clinical factors for hospital-acquired acute kidney injury across age groups: A retrospective cohort study

BMC Nephrology Aug 07, 2020

Wu L, Hu Y, Zhang X, et al. - Given that the probability of encountering acute kidney injury (AKI) rises with age, researchers investigated if AKI predictability differs between age groups and evaluated the volatility of risk factors with the help of electronic medical records. They analyzed a retrospective cohort including adult patients from all inpatient units of a tertiary care academic hospital. The cohort was stratified into four age groups: 18–35, 36–55, 56–65, and > 65. A significantly higher incidence of AKI was reported in older patients vs younger adults but the predictability of AKI reduced with age. So, experts concluded that the quantification of AKI risk for older adults in inpatient population is more difficult as complexity of the cases increases with age.

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