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Changes in the sensorimotor system and semitendinosus muscle morphometry after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A prospective cohort study with 1-year follow-up

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Jun 26, 2018

Gandolfi M, et al. - Authors assessed the time course of sensorimotor integration processes involved in balance capability during 1-year follow-up after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. They also evaluated if an association exists between balance performance and semitendinosus muscle morphometry features. Within the first 6 months after surgery, balance was regained, while improvement in the morphometry of the semitendinosus muscle was seen mostly between 6 and 12 months in patients who returned to sports activities. Semitendinosus muscle morphometry improvements were paralleled by balance capabilities. In clinical practice, relevance of the instrumental assessment of sensorimotor integration processes as screening tests for primary and secondary prevention of ACL injury was found.
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