Changes in school food preparation methods result in healthier cafeteria lunches in elementary schools
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Apr 25, 2018
Behrens TK, et al. - Researchers determined the influence of a districtwide food best practices and preparation changes in elementary schools lunches, implemented as part of the LiveWell@School childhood obesity program, funded by LiveWell Colorado/Kaiser Permanente Community Health Initiative. Changes in side items (fruits, vegetables, potatoes, breads, and desserts) was particularly assessed. In Phases 1–4, increase in fresh fruit offerings and decrease in canned fruit was noted, with increasing raw and steamed vegetables and decreasing canned vegetables as well. From Phase 1 to Phases 2–4, increase in fresh potatoes (low in sodium) and decrease in fried potatoes (high in sodium) was reported. Overall, this approach to promoting healthier lunch sides is a promising paradigm for improving elementary cafeteria food offerings.
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