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Changes in patellar fracture characteristics: A multicenter retrospective analysis of 1596 patellar fracture cases between 2003 and 2017

Injury Oct 16, 2019

Byun SE, Joo YB, Kim JW, et al. - In order to determine the characteristics of patellar fracture, researchers analyzed a total of 1,596 patients with patellar fractures [988 (61.9%) male patients and 608 (38.1%) female patients] who visited 5 university hospitals from 2003 to 2017. In addition, they investigated how these characteristics have changed over time in Korea. The mean age of the study group was 51.3 (range, 3–97) years; 47.6 (range, 8–94) years for male patients, and 57.3 (range, 3–97) years for female patients. From 2003 to 2017, there was an increase in patellar fractures in female and elderly patients. Low-energy injuries more frequently resulted in patellar fractures in female and elderly patients. Relative to younger patients, elderly patients with patellar fractures had a higher postoperative complication rate. In the elderly population, they recommend considering patellar fractures as fragility fractures.
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